What do you do when your partner doesn't share this interest?

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What do you do when your partner doesn't share this interest?

Post by Daihard »

It happens. Some people are in relationships where their partner just isn't interested in spanking.

What do you do in those circumstances? Do you persuade? Play with others with your partner's blessing? Play behind their back?

Or do you just live a spank free life?

I realize not everyone will want to share their circumstances. I'll talk more about my situation if the thread develops.
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Re: What do you do when your partner doesn't share this interest?

Post by Grab74 »

I ended up getting divorced!

We were already not having sex, which for us generally involved spanking. I eventually asked her why, and said that doing more kink was something that felt important too. She said she didn't find me attractive any more, but she still wanted us to stay together and we should find other partners, especially since she didn't want to do anything with kink. I'm pretty sure she thought that no-one would want me. I did, and I did find someone to play with, keeping her fully informed along the way. And then she spat the dummy, accusing me of being unfaithful and saying she wanted a divorce. Which was all pretty shitty, of course.

But since then, everyone I've dated has been from the kink community. I explicitly chose that I'd rather be single than be with someone who didn't get that.

Honestly, I think this is going to be less of a thing for people going into the future. With the internet, it's so much easier to figure out what you're into, and to contact people who are into that.
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Re: What do you do when your partner doesn't share this interest?

Post by Mrhardacre »

Good question, to which I'm not sure there is an easy answer.
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Re: What do you do when your partner doesn't share this interest?

Post by TightyWhitiesBoy »

I always just asked if their want to do it or not. For example, I like wedgies but my partner doesn't get off by it but only me but they don't mind giving me it.

I'm in an open relationship so I see it as if I don't want to do play related to their kinks, they can do it with someone else and vice versa. My partner knows I play with other people and they don't mind.
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Re: What do you do when your partner doesn't share this interest?

Post by Pootang »

I go to spanking parties, she says as long as its no sex or intimate touching its ok. She is a good wifey😊.
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